Servicios de Esparcimiento: – VINA ANAKENA Empresa: ACCOLADE WINES CHILE SPA Dirección : Camino Pimpinela s/n REQUINOA Comuna de : REQUINOA

The origins of Anakena´s wines can be found in Alto Cachopoal, in the foothills of the Chilean Andes, a wonderful temperate terroir rich in volcanic soils. Anakena´s modern style and class represents a new twist for Chilean wines. The name Anakena and its anthropomorphic Birdman icon come from the geography and culture of Rapa Nui (Easter Island).

fuente :

Servicios de Esparcimiento: – VINA ANAKENA Empresa: ACCOLADE WINES CHILE SPA Dirección : Camino Pimpinela s/n REQUINOA Comuna de : REQUINOA

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