The Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins Region

The Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins Region, also known as the O’Higgins Region, is one of the sixteen regions into which the Republic of Chile is divided. Its capital is Rancagua. The region «O’Higgins» was established in honor of Bernardo O’Higgins, considered a liberator and Father of the country’s Homeland.
region ohiggins

The Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins Region, also known as the O’Higgins Region, is one of the sixteen regions into which the Republic of Chile is divided. Its capital is Rancagua. The region «O’Higgins» was established in honor of Bernardo O’Higgins, considered a liberator and Father of the country’s Homeland.

Located in the country’s center, it borders the Valparaíso Region to the northwest, the Santiago Metropolitan Region to the northeast, Argentina to the east, the Maule Region to the south, and the Pacific Ocean to the west. The Bernardo O’Higgins Liberation Region (VI) is located in the central macrozone of the country, approximately between 34° and 35° south latitude.

It has an area of 16 387 km² and a population in 2017 of 914 555 inhabitants. The region is composed of the provinces of Cachapoal, Cardenal Caro, and Colchagua, and the regional capital is the city of Rancagua.

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ods 5

Ods 5.-

ODS 5 – Igualdad de género El turismo puede empoderar a la mujer, en particular mediante la creación de empleos directos y la generación de ingresos de las PYMES en


Ods 4.-

ODS 4 – Educación de calidad El turismo tiene el potencial de promover la inclusión. Una mano de obra cualificada es crucial para que el turismo prospere. El sector turístico

ods 3

Ods 3.-

ODS 3 – Salud y bienestar Los ingresos fiscales generados por el turismo pueden reinvertirse en atención y servicios de salud, mejorando la salud materna, reduciendo la mortalidad infantil y

ods 2

Ods 2.-

ODS 2 – Hambre cero El turismo puede estimular la agricultura sostenible al promover la producción y los suministros a los hoteles, y la venta de productos locales a los


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